Happy Holidays from Caperton Gillett Creative
I couldn’t do this job I so greatly love without the colleagues who support me, the friends who drink with me, and the clients who give me a reason to …
I couldn’t do this job I so greatly love without the colleagues who support me, the friends who drink with me, and the clients who give me a reason to …
It’s the day we’ve all been waiting for: the 2024 Weepies, our annual celebration of holiday ads that make you cry. The holidays are always a great source of sentimental …
It’s been such a relief having this blog back from the near-dead. And what, in particular, diid I miss (and I know y’all missed)? The annual Weepy Awards. Just because …
So as of this writing, it’s October 27. Friday. Halloween is on Tuesday, and if you haven’t picked out your costume by now, you’re cutting it close. I mean, you’re …
June is Pride Month, and I was trying to think of something to post about, whether it’s brands doing right during Pride Month (uplifting, but done already) or Target’s disappearing …
I’m sure, if I put enough work into it, I could wank this post around until I had some quasi-valid connection to advertising such that it would suit the theme …
Have I been remiss in my posting schedule? Absolutely, so much. Do I have concrete, strategic plans for fixing this going forward? You’re damned right I do. Have I missed …
Question: Why did Walmart apologize and withdraw their celebratory Juneteenth ice cream? Answer: Because yikes. Walmart’s Celebration Edition Juneteenth Ice Cream promised to “share and celebrate African-American culture, emancipation and …
So, April 1 is the first day of World Autism Month, also known as Autism Awareness Month, also known as Autism Acceptance Month, also known as “Welp, Here We Go” …