One year ago, I thought, like, “Hey, I know what i’m talking about, and I have stuff to say, and people want to hear it.”
And then I thought, “Okay, realistically, maybe they’re completely uninterested in hearing it, but I don’t particularly care, because I still want to say it.”
And now I have this blog.
Unwise tendency for self-deprecation notwithstanding, this has been a fun year. From a blogging standpoint. From a global standpoint, it’s been an unmitigated nightmare, but that’s not something I can really do anything about. Except scream into this void I’ve created for my own screamy purposes. Here are some of the screams I’m rather proud of.
Freshman Superlatives
Best Use of Words I Didn’t Write

I happen to think I’m a pretty awesome writer, but part of being a good writer is knowing when your own words aren’t the right ones to use. Following the death of the exceptional and exceptionally eloquent Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg two weeks ago, the only person who needed to speak was the woman herself.
The Momentous Writings of the Notorious RBG
Signal boost: Getting there, but not quite getting there, on industry commitments to BLM
Most Important Advice for Baby Creatives

Working with interns and mentoring advertising students is a kind of terrifying responsibility, because their future is essentially in your hands and what the hell do I know about advertising? (Rather a lot, it turns out.) It’s also a gratifying one, because I remember how bewildered I felt stepping into this big, weird industry, and I’m glad to be able to help baby creatives — both the youngsters starting out and the not-so-youngsters starting over. These two posts, in particular, seemed pretty important.
Dear Baby Creative: Why dues-paying is a thing/Dear Baby Creatives: What dues-paying isn’t
Dear Baby Creatives: How to fill an empty copywriting portfolio
Most Important Advice for Everyone Else
![A parody of a stereotypical brand statement in white type on a black background: "We at [Brand] are committed to fighting injustice by posting images to Twitter that express our commitment to fighting injustice. To that end, we offer this solemn white-on-black .jpeg that expresses vague solidarity with the Black community, but will quietly elide the specifics of what is wrong, what needs to change, or in what ways we will do anything about it. This is doubly true if [Brand] is particularly guilty of exacerbating these issues. We hope this action encourages you to view [Brand] positively without, you know, expecting anything from us. [Brand]. You know the ones."](http://capertongillett.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/brand-statement.jpg)
Of course, baby creatives aren’t the only ones who could use advice from time to time. Seasoned advertising professionals need tips, too. Even if they don’t ask for it. Even if they say, “Yeah, I didn’t ask,” when you try to provide it. Genius needs to be shared, is my point, and I figure whatever I have should be shared, too.
Seven considerations when you’re writing your brand’s supportive statement
Blog in the Time of Cholera: Communicating responsibly during an epidemic
Best Series

I suppose I might be sneaking this one in, because technically, only one entry in the series has appeared on this blog. But 1. I like that it’s long-running, 2. Christmas is absolutely my favorite season and this gives me an excuse to start poring over holiday ads before December 1, and 3. I’ve always been a weeper at ads, and intentionally hunting down videos of sad teddy bears finding a loving family feeds that like an addiction.
Best Moment of Self-Indulgence

What’s the point of having a blog if you don’t get to blather about whatever you want? This post started out fawning over an example of really incredible video editing and ultimately devolved into gushing about the talent of current and former colleagues. It felt great to write, and it was great to connect with everyone who reached out to tell me how much they loved working with me OH WAIT THEY DIDN’T DID THEY.
Best Inclusion of Janelle Monae’s Oscars Ballgown
I mean, look at it. Just look at it.

10 top moments from this year’s Oscars that weren’t about white dudes
Best Readership
That’s y’all. (That’s… you. My one dedicated reader.) (That’s unfair. I’m confident I have at least three readers. Shout out to my fans in Oregon!) It’s kind of trite to be all “I do this for you,” but, I mean, I do — I have no reason to figure out what to write and write it on Monday morning even though my to-do list tells me to do it on Saturdays if I didn’t know (hope) you were counting on it every week.
I mean, there’s also a certain value to having that personal void to scream into. But mostly, it’s you.
So, yeah, happy first birthday to my own blog. I will try to maintain this and/or a higher level of quality in the coming year. Please feel free to jump in whenever you feel so inspired, and thanks again for giving me a reason to bother writing. You’re the best.
(Y’all are the best.)