So, around 40% of marketers say they don’t fully know how to effectively use generative AI. And that’s understandable, because there’s a lot to get, but it means marketing leaders are being asked not just to use this awesome technology but to make staffing decisions based around the capabilities of a tool they don’t fully understand.
That hardly seems fair to me – managers deserve to know what they’re working with (and not working with) when they’re putting together a creative team. So I did a thing: I wrote an ebook for them. When to Trust a Robot: What Employers Need to Know About AI Before Staffing Up Their Marketing Team offers a plain-language overview of what generative AI is, how it works, and what it can and can’t do, along with specific guidance to help managers make those crucial staffing decisions from a more informed position.
(It also includes an appendix of four assignments taking GPT-4o through its marketing paces. Want to see if it can write in different brand voices, answer questions accurately, or not hallucinate Benedict Cumberbatch? I gotcha.)
When to Trust a Robot is available for free, ungated download, because I think it’s just that important for managers to be able to make informed decisions they can feel confident standing behind. So bounce on over and grab your copy, and feel free to pass the link around to anyone else who could benefit from a better understanding of generative AI and what its capabilities could mean for their marketing department. It definitely beats finding out too late that you’re understaffed in the creative department because the capabilities of ChatGPT were so enthusiastically but inaccurately hyped. Knowledge is power, y’all, and power is what stands between us and SkyNet.