HPM Web Copy
The Client: HPM, a Birmingham-based program management firm with a nationwide footprint
The Challenge: Show that HPM doesn’t just oversee projects — they stop problems before they happen and relieve headaches the client never knew they had.
The Solution: Profile sheets highlight noteworthy construction undertakings. Details provided give an idea of the sheer size and scope of the project. But the profiles also tell a story — a narrative of a time money was saved, disaster was averted, or miracles performed because of HPM’s innovation and dedication to their client’s success. Could another firm raise dry land out of a rushing river to make room for an amphitheater? Maybe, but you’re going to have to point them out to me before I’ll believe you.
The Site: HPM
The Credit: Other contributors: Andy Sims, Kelsey Justice
The Goods:
(among many others —