Screenshot from the Grapico 100th-anniversary website, showing on an iMac, accompanied by a shot of the new Grapico packaging on an iPad and a Grapico Facebook post on an iPhone

The Client: Buffalo Rock Company, a regional soft drink bottler

The Challenge: Celebrate the 100th birthday of a beloved grape soda as it truly deserves to be celebrated.

The Solution: Those who grew up outside of the Southeast might not appreciate precisely how great a fixture Grapico is in its native land. Trust me: It is. In honor of the soda’s 100th anniversary, we honored the exceptionally Southern Southern Thing that Grapico is — as Southern as an empty bread aisle in preparation for a snowy forecast, or as Southern as mac and cheese as a vegetable option at a meat-and-three. A microsite, print ads, outdoor boards, and redesigned packaging were only a few pieces of a year-long birthday observance. Oh, yeah, and also an airplane. (Also, the campaign just happened to take home Best of Show at the 2017 AAFB Birmingham ADDYs, as well as gold and silver hardware from the District 7 ADDYs.)

The Credit: Agency: o2ideas; art directors: Ellen Hutchings, Jenny Burrows, Rob Hardison; interactive art director: Andrew Handley (yeah, this was a team effort)

Here's the website.

And the print ads.


Print ads Content Web copy Video Campaigns Collateral

Come on, you know you want to. Contact Caperton Gillett