Why, and when, and how to break the rules of writing, and why you maybe shouldn’t
You rebel, you. You rulebreaker. You’re audacious. And you know what? That’s cool. That’s not the end of the world. If you know why the rules are there, and you …
You rebel, you. You rulebreaker. You’re audacious. And you know what? That’s cool. That’s not the end of the world. If you know why the rules are there, and you …
I’m both grateful and touched that last week’s post definitely convinced you to keep your agency at least partly remote even after the pandemic winds down. (I mean, of course …
Last year, I provided a guide for how to observe Black Friday without making a very difficult shopping day even worse. (Okay, mostly I whined about having to do the …
Is anyone else ready for this election to be over? I’m sure it’s just me. We’re almost there, though — Election Day is tomorrow, and while that’s certainly not the …
So here’s the deal: World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has said they “hope to finish this pandemic [in] less than two years,” which seems to me to be …
Not everything. I’d say my, like, seventeen years out of college have also been thoroughly educational. But I consider myself lucky to have stumbled across advertising as a college major. …
It’s been not quite two weeks since the first protest in Minneapolis after a police officer killed George Floyd while his three partners watched and did nothing. People of all …
Knock, knock. Who’s there? Kid with ADHD. Kid with ADHD — Want to go ride bikes? I’m allowed to make that joke, because I have what doctors refer to as …
From the first tourist who came back from vacation with a suitcase full of the novel coronavirus, people of all scientific and non-scientific stripes have been speculating as to how …
My first grownup job out of college was at the Atlanta bureau of a national fashion-industry publication. Believe it or not, I kind of loved it. (I also made it …