Happy Labor Day! Today is a day to honor the laborers and labor movements that have contributed to the growth and success of our country. If you’re a person who works or has worked, a lot of what you do was made possible by what they did, so give a nod to our roots as you enjoy this day to celebrate.
Enjoy the weather, take a long nap, spark up the grill and gorge yourself on hot dogs.
And by “safely,” I don’t mean grill safety and staying off Lake Lanier (although you should do those things). I mean that even as we enjoy our holiday, we need to remember that COVID-19 doesn’t take a day off, and we have to continue taking precautions even if we wish we didn’t have to (and I guarantee that all of us wish we didn’t have to). So:
- The best thing is not to gather, but if you have to gather, keep it small, and keep it outside where air circulation is good.
- While also being outside, maintain six feet of distance between you and your fellow holidayers.
- While also being outside and maintaining six feet of distance, wear a mask any time you aren’t actively eating or drinking.
- While also being outside, maintaining six feet of distance, and wearing a mask, wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.
- While also being outside, maintaining six feet of distance, wearing a mask, and washing your hand, stay off Lake Lanier. This isn’t a COVID-19 thing — that place is just DANGEROUS.
A safe, socially distanced Labor Day celebration isn’t nearly as fun as the regular kind, and I won’t try to convince you otherwise. But if we accept that it’s important to have a pandemic-safe Labor Day this year, we’ll be that much more likely to have the regular kind next year.
Sincerely, y’all: We’re all in this together, and we can only beat this thing if we work together. We can only do it if we choose to do what’s necessary to keep each other safe. I’ll do it for y’all, and you’ll do it for each other, and we’ll all do it for everyone else, and next year, hot dogs are on me. Happy Labor Day!