As a non-art director, I’ve always been a fan of visual solves. I mean, I kind of hate them, because I’m a copywriter and they don’t have copy on them and that means these great ads are happening and I don’t get to play. But as a person who appreciates cleverness and creativity, I have to also respect where I’m not needed. And that’s one reason my “Ads I Wish I’d Made” collection is chock full of ads I could never have made — because some of y’all are just that talented and creative. (And because I’m mind-blind. But mostly the creativity.)
If commentary seems pretty light on this one, it’s because what’s there to say? It’s right there. The reason they’re great is that they say everything without needing any words. So take this opportunity to sit back and enjoy the pretty (smart, compelling, creative) pictures.
FedEx (DDB Brazil)
This campaign promoting FedEx’s international delivery won a Cannes Lion in 2010 for DDB Brazil. And that’s one extra-cool thing about ads like this: No words mean nothing to translate/transcreate when you run the campaign all over the world.

Lego (Jung von Matt)
This print campaign — “Create,” it’s called — ran in German in 2014, and it’s perfect. Also, I just found out Lego has its own in-house creative agency, and while I love my current gig, they should be aware that I’d defect in TWO SECONDS should the opportunity arise.

(Lego has had some real winners in the text-free arena — also check out this 2013 Grey ad inspired by the voyage of the Curiosity rover, and this Advance ad featuring a “construction site” all the way back in 2006.)
Hot Wheels (Ogilvy & Mather)
This outdoor execution appeared in Colombia in 2011, and if you were a Hot Wheels kid… I mean, if you know, you know.

Volkswagen (DDB Tribal Berlin)
If one brand were to be named King of the Visual Solve, it would have to be Volkswagen, which means I have plenty of options to choose from. Why did I finally land on this 2012 one specifically?
I mean, lookit. Him’s just a li’l spiny baby.

(But there’s also this one from Causa, and this one from DDB Milan, okay I did this one for my college portfolio but this is my blog and I say it counts.)
Durex (Espirala DP)
Honestly, I think Durex could put up a sandwich board in front of any Chuck E. Cheese and see some excellent ROI, but if you’re going to go with print, you have to love this 2009 one.

(And whatever the opposite of a visual solve is…)
Would you look at that.
Again, much jealousy of all my art director friends who are able to have this much fun without me. But much love, too. Keep on doing what you’re doing, and I’ll keep on shaking my head in wonder and pinning it to my (now virtual) bulletin board.