Well, your girl managed to pull a shoulder muscle doing Pilates. It’s kind of agonizing. Why did I mention it?

1. It’s the first time in forever that I’ve injured myself doing something marginally active, and not just, like, working from the couch, or sleeping wrong, so I couldn’t resist getting a little bit of a brag in there. A sad, sad, pathetic brag. (You go with what you’ve got.)
2. It makes it really, really hard to type. Which is fine. I mean, it’s not like my job isn’t 97.8 PERCENT TYPING.
So, like a P.E. teacher forced to sub for a seventh-grade English class at the last minute, I’m putting on a video. And actually, it’s pretty apt, as videos go — if today’s theme is all about phoning things in, this supercut of every COVID-19-related ad would seem to fit the bill.
Now sit down and be quiet while I read this romance novel.
What was your favorite part? Mine was when the somber music sped up. I’m always a sucker for slightly faster somber music. Hits me right in the feels.