The front page of the Southern Research Industry Insights section on a MacBook

The Client: Southern Research, a leading research institution taking on the world’s hardest problems

The Challenge: Educate the public about industrial water quality — and SR’s water quality practice — in a way that’s both accessible and scientifically accurate.

The Solution: Industry Insights brings the science of industrial water quality — and the expertise of SR’s Industrial Water Practice — to people who need it. The articles act as a “gray paper” of sorts — more accessible than the kind of academic white paper you find online, but more technical and science-oriented than a blog post aimed at the general public. By planting their flag on that middle ground, Southern Research is able to educate people who work in heavy industry and to catch the eye of potential clients who now know the importance of having a lab that couples HPLC with an Agilent 8800 Triple Quad ICP-MS to get more accurate measurements of wastewater radium.

The Site: Southern Research Industry Insights Research Industry Insights


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